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Preparation strategy for competitive exam

One thing I always learn from animated movies is how to become a good person. In the movie “Kung fu Panda”, I as well as Po learned that there is no secret ingredient , the secret ingredient is believing yourself i.e. there is no secret to success and the same applies when one aspirant starts his/her preparation for any competitive examination. As someone rightly said “Great things are not done in impulse but a series of small things brought together.” For me, the main ingredients  or series of small things  are:-

One should properly introspect oneself about his/her goals , achievements and whether the exam will fulfill his/her desires or not . It’s the first and the most important step. One should take one’s time , gather information , google as much as possible about the exam and its aftermath. Then ask ,”Is I am ready for it or not?”

If the answer is YES then do not go with that super enthusiasm. Just take one’s time to figure out from where to start. I always suggest that start from zero and go to infinity. Take any paper of that competitive exam and try to solve without any pre study thing. Check your guts . How many ques one can answer correctly in the first without studying phase? This gives an insight about oneself as where an aspirant is standing and it paves the way to start the journey to success.

My personal favorite is this step- making schedule. Make a proper month wise or week wise schedule according to one’s capacity and challenge oneself  to get the things done before schedule. Check your mettle.

Try to be motivated throughout the whole process as “Success is not a destination , it’s a journey.” Nothing can take the place of perseverance. It is the key to everything. Press yourself and achieve what you want. It might be very boring but isn’t it worth living for it?  My elder brother told me that don’t look at the 10 kilometer road , just go and when you cover 1 kilometer, it just 9 kilometers left. So break your goal into sub-goals and achieve them one by one.

These steps make one smart and as every cook’s favorite word i.e. “Swaad anusar”, if one mixes these ingredients according to their Swaad anusar, one will definitely prepare oneself for the examination one aspires for. And the last thing which I learnt from Batman series , this reverse psychology works for me and it says, “Always have the fear of losing your goal, then only you can give your best shot.”

All the best for your examinations folks !!

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Aman Arora :

View Comments (4)

  • Sir, sincere thanks for this very informative and motivational article which not only guides one but also guides on the right path in a very systematic manner. And the best part is evaluation of the aim one aspiring to achieve coz mostly aspirant just go after a goal/ post without having knowledge for it and when one achieve it they are not happy about it.
    Thanks galore and please keep writing so an aspirant can be maximum benefited.

  • That was extremely helpful..
    All the problems that an aspirant encouters have been answered rightfully.
    Like you mentioned we have all the ingredients ready but what lacks is mixing them in perfect proportion...And your article teaches it all!
    So many thanks for sharing this piece of information.

  • That was extremely helpful..
    All the problems that an aspirant encounters have been answered rightfully.
    Like you mentioned we have all the ingredients ready but what lacks is mixing them in perfect proportion...And your article teaches it all!
    So many thanks for sharing this piece of information.