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Reputation is all a University lives for, even if a life or justice is at stake. Comment

Is Reputation everything .. Above Justice & Life

The above statement resonates typical conformist views of “Honour killing”.

Didn’t quite relate to the statement. Ok, Let’s understand the mental set of an Honour Killer .

He / She is head of the Family, loves his / her family members, but loves “One-self” or so-called “Reputation” of his family more than anyone else. Or to put it differently is scared of his / her peers or Society.

He / She, carries the audacity to Silence near and dear ones for the sake of his Reputation, even if Life or Justice is at Stake.

Now you get it.. !!

My submission is, will you at this era or at any given era accept such a Guardian? I know your answer. But what would you do to change such a Personality? The answer given by most people when I asked this question is “Please educate those losers”.

🙂 🙂  .. Now that’s an ironical statement if you replace He/ She with a University.

Educate the University ?? .. It’ssupposed to be an educational hub, imparting the best practices to its students for a being a better person.

Are we supposed to educate the people who run University?? You don’t teach father how to make babies .. was one such arrogant comment .. And I respect the comment.  I’m only asking the father to himself go through some parental guidance tips / classes.

( Its like this ; Our parents handled us differently , they were stricter with us , there was a distance between a father and son relationship. With times changing they have become more friendlier, in fact, I see today, parents do not hit their Kids at all … I mean WOW.. We always thought Fathers do Slap & Mothers shout.. 🙂 🙂 .. Love to grow up in this age. )

As per me an Institution should be driven by Values and not by reputation.

Values are not let down if you do something wrong, but are let down if you try and hide what wrong has been done for sake of reputation.

People respect someone who owns up the responsibility of wrong doing; because they know that the acceptance of he same means that the wrong doing will not be repeated.

Saying this not all educational institutes have remained Archaic i.e. have an obsession with its reputation; most of them have changed with time.

Do a Alt Tag , and you will find the faces behind these Archaic thoughts . Behind the veil, you find individuals who have forgotten to love or be loved, have a very narrow perception about success or failure, see any act of heroism as an act of rebellion, makes decision to keep their interest alive, but detrimental to the interest of his pupils.

In short he / she does not own the Job-in-hand, he literally owns the Place & runs it with his self-righteous approach.

Remember Professor Dr. Viru Sahastrabuddhi from 3 Idiots and you have got me right. You need a Ranchordas to change such Mind-set. 🙂 🙂

And Trust me when I say this that, such a pedigree can only be counted now and will be rare soon, just like our Tigers, however, in this case, we will be happier with the former going rare.

I mean c’mon , even the Bollywood supports this. Remember the movie “Mohabattein” .. Big B’s towering voice “Pratishtha” i.e. reputation & “Anushasan” i.e. discipline , were silenced by the Change of winds which Shahrukh’s character bought with him. 🙂 :-).

Posts for a lighter Moments;

Reputation is not fore-most, your Values are, and the way I see it you do not have to sacrifice life or justice to stick by your Values. Cheers !!

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Anshul Tiwari :