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Tips on How to Get Comfortable in the New Job

You did it! You received a job offer! So many things were done to get that position! Congratulations!

But it’s time to roll up your sleeves again. You have to settle yourself in at the new environment, new office. It can be easier or harder depending on your personality and corporate culture. However, even if everybody is nice to you and you know your work well, getting accustomed to a new environment takes around three months.

We’ve got some tips for you so that your acclimatization goes smoother and faster.

Before You Get to the Job

You must do several things before you start your new job. It’s important to prepare yourself in advance to reduce anxiety on the first day.

Focus on your achievement. You may feel unconfident at the beginning, so prepare yourself beforehand. First, think why you wanted this job. Second, remember that you were hired and your boss had reasons for it. So, he/she believes in you, you should do it either. Realize that you fit this position and this company.

Prepare all necessary things in advance. You’ll need a lot of information to write down. Have a notepad and a pen on you. Think what stuff it’s better to take. You’ll feel more confident if there’s no need to look for something around the office.

Prepare yourself intellectually. You’ve already read about the company before the interview. You should do it again. Read all available resources which give you insight into the company’s history, policies, functions, etc. Read your boss’ publications and posts.

Observe your work description once again. Also, you have to be aware of new trends and concerns in your industry. The more information you know, the more confident you’ll feel.

Make sure you’ve done all medical checkups, arranged everything concerning your children, had your car fixed, etc. Get enough sleep and rest. Clear your head before a new job.

Your First Time at the New Work

First impression. It’s the most important one and difficult to change. Here is a must-do list to make a good impression on your first day:

  • come to work in time
  • get dressed properly
  • be social
  • show enthusiasm
  • don’t use social networks and your phone too often
  • try to remember all the names and faces. Yes, it’s difficult!
  • avoid gossips
  • don’t leave your workplace earlier.

Ask questions. Don’t hesitate to ask questions related to the work process, this way you’ll pick up speed and show your interest. It’s a good idea to list your issues for the next day, so you don’t forget them. In case you’ve got lots of questions to lots of colleagues, hand them lists. Your co-workers will have some time to prepare answers for you.

Don’t try to impress everyone around you. Yes, you want to display your best qualities. But be careful! Don’t give promises that you won’t be able to keep, don’t take too many responsibilities. It’s better slowly but surely.

If you’re on a high position and supposed to lead a team, don’t start from giving orders. Get to know your subordinates better, deserve their trust and respect. These are the most important things before you lead your team.

Socialize. Invite your colleagues or one of them to lunch or coffee break. You’ll feel comfortable at the new place if you get to know people around you.

Set new goals and get organized. Establish your priorities, aims in the new work. Think of new skills you want to get. Plan your calendar and time.

Create your success plan for the first few months. It’s a good technique in order to concentrate on the first wins. You can discuss this strategy with your supervisor. It will strengthen your reputation, show enthusiasm and willingness to be productive from the very beginning of your work.

Ask a manager to evaluate your work in a month or two. Even if such feedback is not envisaged by the company culture, ask for an informal one. It’s very important for understanding in what field you’re good at and what must be corrected.

This is a short guide on how to handle the first time difficulties at your new job. If you need more career advice, visit a job site, where you’ll find not only plenty of job offers but numerous career tips.

To sum up, a transition to another job is always challenging, even if you’re an experienced pro. It requires stepping out from your comfort zone and testing yourself as a professional and as a person. But, of course, you’ll overcome all the difficulties brilliantly.

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Shahbaz Ahmed :I am Guest Post writer.I publish articles on different websites and share my knowledge with the world.