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8 tips to propel your career growth while you’re still studying

For any student, it’s normal to plan and think about their career prospects. In the process, they often ponder over how to make progress and look for ways to make better use of their education for a better career prospect. If you are one of those students, you must understand that even after following a very methodical and organized process, things may still not work out the way you have expected. Mentioned below are some of the factors you need to take into consideration for a better career prospect.

Think about your objectives

As a student, you are probably contemplating about wayou can use your academic achievements to your advantage for landing a well-paying job after you complete your education. However, in recent times due to the global economic meltdown, many students were simply content that there were able to land just about any job they could do until the economy was back to normal.

Now because of the increased competitiveness for having a brilliant career prospect, it’s essential that students start preparing themselves since the very start of their academic life and start gathering necessary information about what employers look for when hiring fresh graduates.

Don’t feel compelled to say ‘Yes’ to everything

Many students suffer from this common issue, maybe due to peer pressure or due to some other reason. You may dabble in too many activities, liaise with many random people on campus when you should have really invested your time and energy in your personal and professional growth. In this case, you must realize that time is the most precious gift which you can easily use to your advantage. And to do that you must refuse to indulge in things that don’t encourage you to make productive use of your time.

Focus on developing your personal and professional goals

When you are in college, you’re basically at a crucial juncture, and at a point, it’s very easy to lose sight of your specific goals. To prevent that from happening, experts recommend that you prepare a list of goals that you wish to achieve. You can also write down the short-term goals, be it personal or professional, at the start of every year you spend in college.

Always ensure to maintain communication with your professors

Many of you may not feel the need to liaise with your professors on a regular basis, but their feedback and advice could act as a great motivation for you. Additionally, you can inquire about their chosen career path and gain insights on how you should tread on the path you have chosen, and also don’t hesitate to discuss your career goals with them.

Your professors have enough experience, wisdom, expertise which they will be only too willing to share, provided you seek their help.

Work towards building your resume and cover letter and keep updating them

You never know when you will be acquainted with someone who will be able to give your career that much-needed push to take it forward, or will help you to bag an internship or a rather promising opportunity. That’s why you should always ensure that your resume is updated at all times. Also, ensure that you don’t violate these resume writing rules.

This way if anyone asks for a copy, then you would be able to send them the documents immediately. While updating your resume, make sure to provide clear and relevant information (e.g. internships, campus involvement, etc.) to make it look attractive.

Don’t miss out on various networking events

As a college student, you’ll get plenty of opportunities to go to various education fairs, workshops, seminars, and summits which you allow you to mingle with local networking groups. Even if you might have plans to leave your city after college in search of better prospects and exposure, don’t lose out on the opportunity to build a network with local people who are somehow connected with your area of study.

Try talking to unknown people and get to know them, this will allow you to connect with different people from different industries. For instance, if you are a literature major, you could find out about the seminars conducted on this subject, or join a workshop that provides assignment help in preparing your academic papers efficiently.

Carry out informational interviews

Talk to your family, friends, acquaintances, alumni from your college to carry out sessions on informational interviews. If they live close by, you can ask them whether they can appear for a face-to-face interview.

This process is known job shadowing, and it is an excellent method to learn more about a specific professional field by spending time with a person who is currently associated with the particular area.

Find an Internship or try to get into volunteer services

Various academic experts and college professors often recommend and encourage young people to look for internship opportunities. Such opportunities have the scope to transform and positively impact the careers of young people, regardless of whichever academic field they belong to. You can also find a cause that you feel strongly about and start volunteering. It’s always convenient to dabble in these activities in college, and you can continue the practice even after you enter the corporate world but ensure that you don’t make these deadly mistakes while applying.

Once you join the corporate world and begin your journey as a professional, it’s quite difficult to find volunteering opportunities. In this case, there are numerous volunteering organizations that you can choose to join while you’re still studying. Now, one of the crucial things that you must also remember is that employers want to decipher how much campus involvement you’ve had. They also want to understand that you didn’t just agree to be a part of the organization but you actually possess the capability lead the organization.

So always be aware and take these tips into consideration when you wish your career to grow in the right direction.

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nathan william :Nathan William is a professor of sociology at the University of Sydney, and has been associated with MyAssignmenthelp for the past three years. Apart from her academic engagements, He is also actively working for various volunteering services.