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Why Is It OK to Make The Wrong Career Choice?

There are numerous reasons why most students make the wrong career choice. One possible cause of this problem might be found in the lack of appropriate college courses or students struggling to keep up with materials, inability to find research papers, the pressure of exams, and overall success expectations. Some students also choose a path of low resistance. They search for a college that leads to an average-paid career in something they don’t even like to get into. Some students make the initial mistake of choosing the wrong part-time jobs in college. Not to mention picking a career for the sake of high income or parents pressuring for prestige and success.

Though many fear of choosing a wrong career path, some good things could come out of a poor career choice. It may not be evident at first. Still, sometimes a wrong career path can lead to a career that is just right. Therefore, to break the stigma around wrong careers, we have gathered a list of reasons why is it completely ok if you’ve chosen a wrong career path.

Why may you choose the wrong career in the first place?

According to Wise Step, there are five top reasons why students generally choose the wrong career paths. You may have an interest in seeing what those reasons are. You may also think that sticking to the career path is the right cause. The following list, therefore, is for you:

Peer Pressure: The ideal representation of what your career will look like is usually deceiving. Most of the times the pressure from peers, friends, and family cause it to happen.

Fulfilling Parent’s Wishes: Making a career choice based on your parent’s wishes can turn out to be a wrong one. This is because some parents may project their unfulfilled career wishes onto their children.

Market Boom: Sometimes students choose their career path based on the current circumstances in the world economy.

Assumed Social Life: Urge to live a particular lifestyle can lead us to make the wrong decision for our careers.

Confusion: Students usually make big, life-changing decisions for their careers, at a very young age. Therefore, finding an appropriate and suitable job can be somewhat confusing.

And, why is it ok to choose the wrong career path!

Leaving the Comfort Zone

Of course, choosing a wrong career means that you have to leave your comfort zone. It requires that you start things all over again in a field you might not be familiar with. Contrarily, leaving your comfort zone may be the best thing you could have done to yourself and your professional life. Choosing a wrong career path means that you have to work twice as hard. It requires you actually dedicate yourself to the job to refrain from falling behind. Therefore, chances for you to succeed at your randomly chosen job position and career are twice. These chances are twice bigger to those of your well-chosen and perceivably comfortable job and career.


Sometimes, at a young age, we are not really sure what is good for us. The same goes for the choices we make for our education and careers. However, choosing a wrong career path can be rather eye-opening and can challenge you for an in-depth self-evaluation. Why is this good? Well, let’s just say that a thorough self-re-evaluation can help you look into the set of skills you have, the things you’re good at and the things you can learn to become good at.

A wrong career path can actually help you become an expert in different fields you never thought you’d be. It will also help you re-evaluate your career goals and encourage you to advance in the career path you have taken, instead of feeling guilty for not following the initial plans you had. It may happen that a wrong career path may make you push yourself towards growth. This wouldn’t have been possible if you would have stuck with the familiar.

Learning from Mistakes

Making a mistake is no big deal, as long as you learn from it and use it for your advantage. Just like a particular career choice can be a mistake initially, you can always use the experience and make the best out of it. This will teach you discipline, self-reliance and personal growth, because not only are you advancing in an entirely new and foreign field, but you are also learning from your own mistakes and poor choices. Not to mention that an unexpected successful career can also change the way you look at mistakes and maybe realize that things do happen for a reason.

Choosing a wrong career path is not just ok in terms of the ability to advance and experience personal growth, but also as a moral life lesson that can help you pick yourself up after the ‘mistake’ and actually turn the mistake into the right choice. Instead, there can be a right approach to choosing and realizing that you’ve made a career and professional mistake. This is of asking yourself ‘What was this supposed to teach me?’ With such a perspective and outlook, there is no career you won’t succeed.

Discovering What You’re Good At

Just because you chose a wrong career path doesn’t mean you won’t be good at it. On the contrary, this could be an excellent opportunity for you to discover the new things you are great at. Of course, there is a set of transferrable skills you can apply at any job, which is excellent as you don’t have to start from scratch. You can just use those skills as a basis for your future growth and improvement. This will help you align closely with the profession you are stuck with, and possibly ignite a new passion in your professional life. Just because you, for example, wanted to be a marketing writer, doesn’t mean you won’t be an excellent project manager. A wrong career choice is simply an excellent way to discover your hidden talents and numerous other things that you can excel at.

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