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3 Important Yet Easily Overlooked Essentials in Online Marketing and Web Design

If you have been in the online marketing space for quite some time, then you have undoubtedly heard of overhyped and outrageous claims on trends that are so-called “game changers” for businesses online.

It could be the latest web design patterns or visuals that are supposedly stemming from “outside the box” thinking. Consequently, you may think that these patterns or visuals supposedly would be getting more of your sales pages to convert. However, these overhyped claims do not arise from any proven strategies or methodologies.

Now we are not saying that everyone should ignore these developments. This is as keeping tabs on the latest trends certainly has its merits. However, they must take the rear seat on some critical factors- the ones that make businesses generate money.

Hence, please consider the following elements in your digital marketing strategy that you may tend to overlook:

A Good Understanding of Function

Before you draw or compose anything for your website, you ought to understand what the website’s function will be. To put it simply, you ought to be able to explain who the site is for. Identically, you should also throw light on what you want visitors to do once they get in front of it.

This is an area where many web designers and internet marketers will make presumptions. However, that’s not the proper way to develop what will essentially be the cornerstone of your sales, and online marketing in Sydney. You may believe that you understand what buyers want, or what you need to give them. But, it’s instead better to map things out ahead of time.

There are some of the resources that you can use to obtain a good understanding of your website’s functioning. It is creating, what we call, a “marketing persona”. Some might call it customer avatar, customer profile and use other marketing jargons that internet marketing services employ. Before anything else, you must brainstorm and research the influencers and decision-makers that your customer-base follows your portal. You must convince them that it takes interest in your online enterprise.

The more we understand about our customers, the easier it is to put ourselves in their shoes. Consequently, to create a material that is useful or may interest them becomes less problematic. That, in turn, makes it much easier for us to develop the engaging content and sales funnels. These things are essential for online lead generation.

It may happen that you don’t understand who your clients are, what they want and where you can find them. Consequently, any website that you build is merely an art piece. Until then, your site is not a practical part of your business, that is to say.

User-friendly Interface and Design

The manner in which a site is put together and the overall aesthetics are undoubtedly essential. However, effective website design is more than picking the ideal layout, typefaces and color pattern. It’s also about aligning your marketing objectives with the purchaser’s personalities.

That implies considering user interaction and traffic streams, so they guide visitors towards sparking positive conversions or purchases. It also means selecting the best content management system and producing pages that are stable and fully compatible with mobile phones. More importantly, it involves generating material that fits with all these factors to demonstrate how you differ from your competitors.

You won’t often find the ideas mentioned above in publications about web design trends and digital marketing strategies. It is no wonder then that businesses tend to overlook them.

The truth is, fancifulness of website doesn’t matter if it doesn’t keep in mind the factors of performance and growth. Form and function fit. Your site needs to be aesthetically appealing. Still, it also requires to be structured in a way that follows what you are attempting to achieve.

Generating Interest and Engagement

We want to think that a good website will generate traffic and interest all on its own. This is why many businesses invest so much in designing and developing their website. Unfortunately, that is not the case and it takes much work to stir interest among potential customers and get them to act.

Interest and engagement pertain directly to social media and associated content-driven activity. Indeed, you do wish to be an idea leader on your blog and a regular source of insights through your social media accounts. Both will help you remain relevant to customers or clients, and to drive online search engine traffic to your website.

Nevertheless, when it’s done correctly, engagement can mean so much more. It can include participating in or hosting events, getting mentioned or cited in the media (online or off), and searching for more ways to bring people into the fold to spark meaningful discussions.

Your engagement strategy might consist of meetups and in-person networking that is just as effective as the rest of your digital marketing strategy. Of course, you do need to maximize content and social engagement when you release a brand-new website, however, you do not always have to stop there.

Inexperienced online marketers will hardly do anything to promote their website. Their more accomplished and enthusiastic counterparts will keep creating engaging content and stirring up discussions in the community. It does not take rocket science to know which one is more likely to succeed.


For many years, people thought it was enough to have a website that looks professional and succeeds in the digital marketing landscape. Now search engines and users are getting smarter and more productive. They want a site that comprehends the underlying needs behind every query and demands more with regards to information and engagement. If your website isn’t delivering that value, it’s going to handicap your business’ ability to create relationships and generate leads.

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