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5 Signs Your Child Needs A Math Tutor

We all know the importance of Math in our lives, as well as in the lives of others. From having its presence in almost every competitive examination, it covers nearly all the high-paying occupations. So, if your child falters with the subject and the same is giving him/her some crazy nightmares the child needs a Math tutor, for sure!

But it’s not that easy always! For instance, how do you know when you need one? Though the poor grades and lack of enthusiasm towards the subject can be some tell-tale signs, here are a few concrete evidence to appoint a tutor as soon as possible!

Number Factors

The basis of Math lies in numbers, the elementary addition, subtraction, multiplication and such. Is your child finding it difficult to remember these? If yes, then he/she might be struggling to get a grasp of the subject.

Math is all about numbers, and if your child is facing issues with the most primary layer of Math, he/she will find it difficult to comprehend the most complex problems. The subject builds on prior learning, thus if the base is shaky it creates major problems later.

Complain About Fast Moving Class

Math is one of the subjects that are highly curriculum based, thus adherence to the same is crucial. So, if your child has failed to comprehend one topic and the class has moved on to the next one, he/she is bound to face difficulty since as mentioned earlier, the subject builds on the prior. In that light, the child may fail to understand whatever is being taught, feeling completely lost and helpless. And it may seem to him/her that the class is moving at a fast pace.

Low self-confidence

Generally when children are asked about their favorite subject, very few name Math. Though that is okay, however, concern arises when your child adds that he/she is very bad at it. So if your child has mentioned this more than once or twice, it may be because he/she is not doing very well in the Math class. If the child is not confident or positive about his/her mathematical skills, it may lead to anxiety and nervousness in class. On assigning a tutor, your child may come out of the zone with a newly improved confidence to master the subject. Additionally, you can go with an online math tutoring service too.

Retaining Previously Taught Topics

There can be multiple reasons why a child can fail to understand the topics that are already taught in class. If there is too much time spacing between two topics a child may forget what had been taught if he/she is out of practice. However, if the child has failed to comprehend the previous chapter, he/she will not succeed in the subsequent chapters. Under such circumstances appointing a home tutor may be the right thing to do. Not only will the child be in practice, but he/she will also have extra help with chapters they might find difficult.

Struggling With Homework

Is your child taking an excessive amount of time to do Math homework compared to other subjects? Are you finding it difficult to assist him or her? Well, then it might be time to get some assistance from a tutor. Given that the education system is going through constant change, it is possible that the math that your child is learning is very different from the one you have learned in school. Though practically the problem remains the same, the approach to the same may have changed.  Children, with their attention span of a goldfish, do take time to complete their homework and that is okay. However, if Math, in particular, is becoming too time-consuming and stressful on a regular basis, a math tutor must be contacted immediately.

Children are like clay, they take the shape that their makers give them. Thus it is important to shape them up properly from the initial stages so that they grow up to be confident adults, not scared of numbers.

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Shahbaz Ahmed :I am Guest Post writer.I publish articles on different websites and share my knowledge with the world.