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Career Options: The Fastest Growing Jobs Around the World

Deciding on a career path is difficult. There are various factors which should shape your decision, but one key aspect to consider is growth. This is relevant, as you greatly benefit from job sectors that experts have predicted to grow over the coming years. This also means that these roles will be in great demand. In addition to finding work, this could also mean that there is the potential to earn high salaries too. There are many factors which determine this, such as technology and the economy. So, it is worth being aware of what roles will grow in the coming years. Hence, we have produced a list of some fastest growing jobs below to help you out!

Nurse Practitioner

One industry which the experts expect to grow massively over the coming years is healthcare. This is due to the aging population which means that more people need care than ever before. There are many roles which will be in demand. Still, one that you can expect to grow quickly is of a nurse practitioner. It entails examining, diagnosing and caring for patients as well as comforting families. This role will require a Masters degree, but there are also many areas in which you could specialize.

Medical Assistant

Another role in healthcare that you can hope to grow over the coming years is of a medical assistant. These roles do not necessarily require a Masters degree which can make them more accessible. A medical assistant helps with a range of important duties. These are like measuring vital signs, helping with exams and recording patient histories.

Solar Photovoltaic Installers

A solar photovoltaic installer is one of the fastest growing jobs. It is the job that is due to the rise in alternative energy and the increasing concern over environmental damage. A solar photovoltaic installer is responsible for assembling, installing and maintaining solar panel systems (usually on rooftops). You can grab this role with a high school diploma. Still, there are courses at certain educational institutions which help you land faster on this job.

Wind Turbine Service Technician

Similarly, wind turbine technician roles will grow over the coming years. This is as more and more people and businesses are switching to alternative energies. A wind turbine service technician will install and maintain wind turbines. This is another role that you can learn through college courses.

Software Developer

In today’s digital world, software plays an enormous role in just about every aspect of daily life. Apps, in particular, are becoming increasingly more important and used by just about everyone. Software developers are responsible for creating these apps and computer programs that can be used by both individuals and businesses. Software developers will usually have a Bachelor’s degree in computer science, and it can be a well-paying role.

Bicycle Repairer

One of the more surprising roles which are expected to grow over the coming years is of a bicycle repairer. You can attribute this rise to the fact that many people are opting cycle instead of driving their automobiles. They do this in a bid to reduce their carbon footprint as well as to get more exercise. You can land on this job without qualification. Still, you must have a sound knowledge of bicycles and mechanics.


In the business world, being able to interpret and analyze data is an incredibly valuable tool. More and more businesses are requiring this as it allows companies to make important decisions based on statistics. As per a study, experts expect employment of statisticians to surge by 34% between 2016 and 2026. This is much faster than the average for occupations. This role will require a Master’s degree. Still, it is possible to get your statistics degree online from Michigan Tech. People here will teach you everything that you need to find work and thrive in this growing sector.

Home Health & Personal Care Aide

With the aging population, an increasing number of elderly people require assistance in their daily lives. This is where home health and personal care aide can help. This could include tasks such as cooking, bathing, and dressing. This could also involve a level of care, such as checking vitals and providing medication. This rewarding role usually will involve receiving some form of certification or more formal training.

Information Security Analyst

Undoubtedly, there are many benefits to the digital world that dominates so much of our daily life. Even then, there are big risks in the form of cybercrime. This is becoming a huge global problem with many high profile cases in the last year alone. An information security analyst is responsible for planning, implementing and monitoring security systems for computer networks to safeguard important data. This is a role that is predicted to grow faster than the average due to the increasing threat of cybercrime.

Marketing Specialists

Marketing has always been an important aspect of a business, but particularly in an internet-driven marketplace. Digital marketing is valuable for businesses of all sizes and in all industries which make marketing specialists an in-demand role.


Mental health has become a major issue all around the globe, which means that there is a need for good therapists. This will usually require a master’s degree, and there are many areas to specialize in, such as a family therapist, marriage counselor, or child therapists for example. This can be a challenging yet highly rewarding work with good earning potential.


Dentists and all roles within this industry are expected to grow faster than average, and this can be a lucrative profession to enter. There is a lot of studying and training, and you will need a doctoral or professional degree, but there are also roles in dentistry that do not require quite as much training, such as a dental assistant.

Physical Therapist Assistant

A physical therapist assistant (PTA) works under a physical therapist and will help people to regain movement and manage pain after an illness, accident or injury. This will require an associates degree and a PTA can earn a good salary with experience.

If you are looking for a secure, in-demand and well-paying job, then any of these will be a smart decision. It can be hard to select a career path, and it should involve much more than predicted growth, but this is also an area which must be considered when deciding.

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