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Modern Menace of Netizens – Cyberbullying

The word abuse has become prominent in the recent years. Especially child abuse is traumatizing the parents physically, verbally, emotionally these days. One more of such abuses is cyberbullying.

Know every detail of cyberbullying below, as we already are familiar with the benefits that technology has provided to the world:

What is Cyberbullying?

It is a novel way of harassing children via Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and other social media websites and apps. Also, the same has extended in the form of the text messages and MMS via digital devices.

Look at the below infographics to see the alarming rise of cyberbullying among students.

Infographic by

Which is the actual medium for such threats?

Nowadays, kids make themselves habitual of using the internet and smartphones at a very young age. They don’t even know the right way to use them. Which means they have no knowledge of the ways to protect themselves

Also, many times, other children and their friends who were bullied earlier, vent out their frustration by bullying others.

In a survey in which 79% of parents in Asia participated and responded, stated that gaming websites and other social media sites contributed to cyberbullying.

How does cyberbullying happen?

Cyberbullying happens to children who overexpose themselves using the social media. It happens to those who are fond of changing pics often. Also, there are some other children who want to project themselves as being very active by passing comments for every activity. Mainly, the cyberbullying criminals quickly catch the individuals who change their status mentioning their current situation.

This argument has a statistic back up, as 34% of students admitted that at some point in their lifetime they had undergone online harassment.

Why does it affect girls more than boys?

Girls are victim to any social problem only because of the sexual difference. Cyberbullying is no exception, and hence the cyberbullying criminals target girls more than guys.

Because girls are more sensitive than boys, they become prey to cyberbullying easily. Especially during their teenage, girls undergo tremendous changes in their hormones. This puts them in a weak state of mind. This paves the way for others to bully them quickly.

Also, girls are more responsive and spend more time online. Therefore, everything favors the attackers to bully girls more than boys.

Does it affect children in general?

Cyberbullying impacts children in a horrible manner, leading them to commit suicide. They feel anxious about disclosing to elders and take the harsh decision of ending their life.

80% of cyberbullied individuals attempt to commit suicide. They are not sure to handle the situation. Similarly, fear of not being able to drive home their points to the society is the primary reason.

Apart from that cyberbullying also causes depression and other mood-related ailments among children. Sometimes it even drives children to indulge in bullying other innocent children, as an act of taking revenge.

Indeed, it is taking a toll on the life of every young citizen.

How to address cyberbullying?

Primary responsibility lies in the hands of the elders. The parents and teachers should not only watch children but support them. The confidence built on kids when they will know that their parents trust them will first ease their guilt feeling. They will share their problems with you. This can prevent any disaster.

Don’t stop them from using social media sites and digital devices, as they must know their benefits as well. Instead be with them and share your views. Teach them the right way to handle online sites. If possible, create an account in your name and let them use it. This will seed happiness in them, and they will listen to you always. Every school should ideally implement an effective bullying and harassment policy to educate students.

Even if things have gone out of control and when children come to you with a problem, never question them. But, analyze the cause and try to solve it for them with the help of cybercrime officials.

Get inspired by the tips shared by for parents to help children handle cyberbullying.

Final Verdict

Being cyberbullied is not a contagious disease. So, don’t bother too much about it. Ease your child and comfort them to bring them to normalcy.

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