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How to Kickstart your Entrepreneurial Journey

Have a great business, service or product idea but don’t know where to start? With determination, hard work and dedication, anyone can be an entrepreneurial journey – and that doesn’t only mean you need to start a business.

Here are some ways you can start your Entrepreneurial Journey:

Start an Online Store

There are many websites that allow you to sell items you no longer use such as clothes and accessories, and there are others that allow you to sell hand-made items you have created and designed.

You may use one of these websites (and you can find them with a simple Google search) or start one of your own using the many available platforms such as WordPress or Squarespace. Still, starting your online store can be one step to self-employment or can even be a nice side hustle alongside your other jobs.

If you are a creative type, this can be a great way to sell your designs and gain a following. Slowly but surely, you may even earn enough to make this your full-time job!

Write a blog

Ever wanted to write for a living? There are many ways you can do this, from contacting companies enquiring as to whether they require freelancers or guest writers to doing the occasional copywriting. One other way is by starting your own blog.

Yes, this may take a while to take off, and you will need to figure out your niche and audience. But when you have gathered all of these, it is merely a matter of producing content consistently.

Who knows, you may even gain sponsors along the way. One particular topic that is effective in this way is travel and lifestyle blogs. If you love traveling and writing, then even better.

Regardless of what your interests are, you can definitely write about it. Some have successful websites and businesses that started off as personal blogs, and when they have gained enough followers, they started earning.

Dabble in a Trade

Entrepreneurship does not only mean starting a business. You can, instead, become the middlemen between manufacturers and customers by trying your hand at a trade.

With the help of reliable platforms such as the TD Ameritrade trade architect, you can keep track of real-time data, have access to superb trading platforms and receive support resulting from extensive research.

This does not only have to be for seasoned veterans either and with the availability of 24-hour phone and email support, but beginners also need not worry.

Go Freelance

Going freelance may seem daunting. There are many advantages and disadvantages to freelancing.

You can have more control over where, when and who you work with yet financially, the beginning may not be as stable as a 9-5 job.

You can work freelance in different sectors such as copywriting and graphic design. Starting as a freelance may seem shaky at first, but when you have collected enough clients, then you’ll find that you may be able to make a living out of this.

The key component of freelancing is being able to manage your time effectively and only take on tasks you can manage. It is easy to sign up for everything without taking into account how much time, effort and research it might take to write that article or design that banner.

As well as this, be prepared for a rocky start with sparse clients – this particular path is financially unreliable, and it will take a while until you see results. But keep at it, and sooner or later, you’ll see the payoff, and if not, then you will have learned how best you work.

Starting a business or starting your entrepreneurial journey can mean many things. Whether you have thought of starting an online store or thinking of going freelance, there are many advantages and disadvantages to these options.

Make sure that you have thoroughly researched your area and improve your time management before undergoing this entrepreneurial journey.

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