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Tips to Help You Write a Thesis

If you experience problems with your thesis, know that you are not alone. Thousands of students before you have been asking themselves, “What can help me write a thesis without spending the rest of my life doing so?”, and thousands will certainly keep asking it after you’ve successfully gone to your viva and received your Ph.D. It is for your and their sake that we’ve gathered this set of tips and suggestions – feel free to use them as you see fit!

Become Accountable

You may join an online accountability group or simply arrange it with a buddy of yours to contact him at regular intervals and tell them about your progress. How fast you write your thesis, whether you manage to reach your milestones according to the system of deadlines you’ve given yourself, whether you procrastinate – report to them. Having somebody else besides yourself as your supervisor can seriously improve the level of your discipline. You will no longer run around pleading, “If only someone could help me write a thesis!”, instead of asking yourself “How can I meet my next deadline?”

Find and Analyze the Sources Before Starting to Write

It may sound obvious, but you should have a working thesis before you start writing it down. Locate the information sources, read and analyze them. Which points of view seem to be prevalent in your chosen field? Will you be able to find enough material in support of your idea? Does this or that author clearly have an agenda? Do they make points they later retract? Can you find a chink in the armor of their argumentation? Only after you’ve read through the main sources you may begin thinking to write a thesis!

Don’t Be a Perfectionist

Perfectionism is the worst shackles you can put on yourself. It will force you to return to already completed passages to review and improve them, even though your time can be better applied to work on fresh segments of your thesis. The time left until the viva may seem like a lot, but it is never enough. Make it your rule not to revise parts you’ve already written unless you have to introduce major changes into them due to recent findings – or have already completed the rest of the paper. Aim to finish your thesis at least two weeks ahead of the deadline

You never know what else needs to be done. You may suddenly find out that your supervisor dislikes some fundamental part of your approach, and large parts of your thesis have to be rewritten. You may have made mistakes in formatting that will take a long and painstaking revision to root them all out. Possibilities for failure are endless.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

You have a supervisor whose job is to guide and help you, but it is not the only opportunity you have. Friends, people who have already received their Ph.D., reliable writing services like, online educational resources – all of them are at your service, you just have to ask.

Be Precise

Always know what questions you are asking. You should be able to boil down your entire thesis statement into a single sentence. If you cannot do it, your point is too vague, and you should try to focus more. Talk to your supervisor he has dealt with dozens of situations like yours. Also, he/she can give some advice on how you can concentrate your attention on a particular point. It’s also important when you decide to write a thesis.

Don’t Wait for Inspiration

A thesis is written not through inspiration but through regular hard work. Set aside a certain amount of time every day to work on your thesis and do it without fail. After a while, it will turn into a habit. You still won’t feel like writing your thesis (nobody ever does), but it won’t be as painful for you to sit down and start writing. Remember – if you wait for inspiration, it will never come. If you simply start writing, the ideas will start to pop up in your head as you go along.

We hope that these tips can help you deal with your problem and make you write a thesis more successfully. Start using them now and you will see the difference right away!

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Shanaya Gill :