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What is SEO Positioning?

Internet plays a vital role in searching and finding information of all kinds. Various methods used for gathering information are search engines. That’s why today we’re going to explain why organic positioning or SEO positioning is so important for a website.

Visits that result from different search engines show a significant percentage of the total. Google is one of many search engines.  Already put in the matter, I clarify that there are also other important sources of traffic to a website:

Direct visits

Direct visits are received when a user writes the URL of the web in the bar of the navigator. They also get created when he/she clicks on a link that was saved previously.

Social visits

Those coming from different social networks (not necessarily ours; they can come from a link shared by a user in their social networks).

Referenced visits

Refer to those that come from a link to our website that is on another website different from ours, say Agencia SEO Barcelona.

Visits from search engine advertising campaigns

These are paid links based on ads per click. This is SEM positioning (Search Engine Marketing).

Organic visits come from SEO positioning

Natural positioning, organic positioning or SEO (Search Engine Optimization) refers to the traffic that a website receives from search engines.

As I mentioned before, it is an important source of traffic for any website. For this reason, it is essential to know about the influential factors when it comes to having an optimized website. It is a question of the search engines taking these into account. Similarly, search engines show their pages in the search results of the users.

Therefore, the natural positioning of a website should work the SEO from the beginning. This is especially more if it is a page intended to serve and attract customers. Moreover, you should also consider that this is a task that will give results in the period from the medium-long term.

What makes SEO Positioning important?

Although it is obvious. Still, the improvement of the position in the search results gets rewarded. It’s that the likelihood of a user clicking on our link and visiting our website gets enhanced significantly.

Think for a moment as a user who performs a certain search. Have you ever visited the second or third page of the search engine results?

Therefore, the objective is to appear on the first page of the search engine and the higher the better. But, please don’t harbor the misconception of translating yourself as well-positioned. This is more so if the users search you by your name and you get off at the top.

It’s about the website or information about it appearing in the results. It occurs when users search for information related to your business. That’s where “keywords” come in.

Search terms are called keywords.

Keep in mind that users increasingly perform more complex searches, with longer phrases and even questions to which we look for a quick answer. This is where we want the website of the company or business we manage to appear.

The keywords of your company or business

As you have already deduced, SEO cannot be understood without words, specifically without keywords.

The goal of SEO is to appear in the best positions in organic search results for one or several specific words as recommended by Consultor SEO

These words must have been previously selected according to the business objectives of the website. It is not about attracting irrelevant traffic, but traffic from users really interested in what we have to offer. To do this we must work on words relevant to our website and our business.

The number of keywords to the position is limited and will depend on the number of URLs that make up the web. That’s why choosing a keyword is the essential step.

I want to point out that when we talk about keywords in online marketing, we do not mean single words.

It would be quite difficult to position in a short time the keyword “lamp” for a business of lamps newly arrived on the network.

However, it is possible to work on groups of words that are relevant to the business. I am talking about what in this world we know as “long tail”.

Remember that the searches we do users are increasingly natural and complex so using the “long tail” is not only fundamental to start with the SEO of a website but also highly recommended from this point of view.

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Shahbaz Ahmed :I am Guest Post writer.I publish articles on different websites and share my knowledge with the world.